I am going home, yet not without sorrow;
for too long have I been adrift.
There was no place to call my own nor
anyone to take me in.
The price I paid for careless days of youth
spent has been too dear.
I look upward to a welcoming sky that beckons,
reassuring that, soon, this
Wanderer shall be home, in the warm and loving
embrace of the cosmos.
compound complex
JoinedPosts by compound complex
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
LV101: As already stated, I have begun branching out!
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
That's on my bucket list, OUTLAW! I appreciate your words of friendship and encouragement.
Cheers, mon ami!
Thanks also to you, LV101. You've always encouraged me. Who knows, one day I may branch out into other subjects!
Have you noticed this trend on social media amongst witnesses...?
by stuckinarut2 init seems that every 2nd witness often posts pictures of themselves at conventions, or out in 'service'.
but i have noticed that they never seem to post anything about the actual "spiritual content" of their activity!
instead, it is pictures of them with their witness "friends", along with some contrite comment like #bestlifeever (arrghhh).
compound complex
On my various pages where JWs post, there is virtually no original textual comment, just preformed Bible- and WT Society-based words with pretty pictures. Those memes may get a "so true" acknowledgement. For a while I posted JW-friendly Bible "reasoning from the Scriptures." Not any more.
Also, as mentioned, there are lots of photos of the group going out in service and those manning the cart.
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Perhaps it comes, in part, from getting older and wiser, Xanthippe. Joy, an occasional visitor, is welcome but not necessarily expected to prolong her visit.
I can live with that.
Join you in a beer, OUTLAW?
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Much appreciated, stillin -- THANKS!
Keep cranking it out! -- stillin
This old "crank" is working on it. A line from some prose poetry regarding recovery from writer's block:
"Hot blood pulses anew within fingers I thought stilled forever in a writer's graveyard of unwritten verse . . . " -- "I Lose All Track of Time," by Frank Carton
Best Wishes!
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Thanks, LV101, for your pleasant words.
Well, as Julie sang so beautifully, I think of my favorite things when the bee stings and when the dog bites!
Take care.
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Good morning and thank you, OUTLAW, my fave chef!
I used to be a bundle of nerves, a walking time bomb. Now, I'm just a fizzled-out firecracker. Works for me, no more drama.
Some of us are still throwing rocks at our windows. -- OUTLAW
People who live in stone houses shouldn't through glass, but is that what the man said?!?!?!?!?
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Thank you, Awakenednow and steve2, for your posts. They are very much appreciated.
No Longer Afraid
by compound complex ingreetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:.
i am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any jehovah's witnesses.
i have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which i have written on this and other ex-jw forums for some dozen-plus years.
compound complex
Greetings, dear friends and fellow survivors:
I am grateful to be alive and associated with like-minded people, both here on this wonderful forum and in day-to-day interaction with friends, neighbors, clients, but, sadly, few if any Jehovah's Witnesses. I have, somehow, become detached from the sadness and sorrow of the past, about which I have written on this and other ex-JW forums for some dozen-plus years.
Dunno why, but it seems to come out in rather poetic fashion, which is not everyone's cup of tea, but this manner of expression is linked to how I've survived.
Love you all,
Frank Carton
RECENT HAPPENINGS CLOSE TO HOME bewilder me by day, terrify me by night.
Immersed in profound waters of both doubt and despair, I struggle and gasp my way to a far-off shore encased in black mist.
Yet, the shroud of fog does rise. I see through the windows to my soul and arrive at a calmer state of mind; tranquility replaces anxiety and confusion. Scattered pieces of life's puzzle assemble, interlocking.
Once disconnected events -- the past flowing into my present -- form a meaningful whole. It is a continuation of life, a flowing stream whose source has bubbled forth since times unrecorded.
In that timeless flow from then to now, I am an onshore observer, not participant. Rushing past me, in vision, are people and cities and marvels of nature and . . . The environs of childhood edge their way into my present reality. I see who I was and what I have become.
Contentment and peace . . . at long last. . . .